This exploratory game invites us to experience the sympoietic relations unfolding in the sentient swamp. Swamp is a perfect milieu to sense fragile interdependencies between the organisms and their habitat. Here every member of the community is part of every other member’s environment, as well as necessary for the survival of the whole. The game probes the change of perspective and allows us to embody different species by floating into swampian creatures: plants, insects, birds, amphibians, fungi, bacteria or algae and discover the main rule of Cannibal Metaphysics: to become the other, you have to be eaten.
Go play it at The Swamp Game at Critical Zones.

Intro Text
Nomeda & Gediminas Urbonas in collaboration with Nikola Bojić, Kristupas Sabolius, and Indrė Umbrasaitė (MIT Climate Visions)
User experience, development (with Siamend Darwesh)
Interface Design & Animals
Jan St. Werner
Full Team